01494729054 or 07710598468
Woodlands Pre-School Nursery
Your child's Key Person and Buddy
At Woodlands every child has a key person/Buddy. Children thrive from having a loving and secure relationship. It is the key person’s responsibility to form secure attachments with your child. Responding sensitively to your child's feelings, behaviour and meeting their emotional needs, by giving reassurance and supporting self-regulation.
Your child's Key person is involved with their 2-year check if required.
Woodlands also has a buddy system; this is to ensure that all children make a secure bond in the event of their key person being unavailable.
We also hold termly parent consultations with your child key person; however, we have an open-door policy, meaning you can make an appointment at any time.
At Woodlands we offer settling in sessions based on your child's needs
and Every child is offered a home visit alternatively a key person meeting in the setting is also offered. The key purpose of the home visit is to establish a respectful partnership with the parents and a strong relationship with the child.
Sleep times
Children that need to sleep during the day will each have their own sleep bag which contains a blanket and a fitted bed sheet, all comforters are welcome.
We work alongside parents to make sure that the children are maintaining a structured routine as they would be at home, when it come to nap times.
Sharing your child's Nursery Day
Personal WhatsApp groups - each family will have a WhatsApp group, this is how Woodlands communicates with parents throughout the day. You will also receive daily photos of your child whilst at the setting.
Woodlands Community group - This is a WhatsApp group that all our Woodlands Parents can join - this is where we post activities, topics, home learning ideas, social events in the community, our core songs and books along with much more. it is also a great way for all parents to connect.
We also post activities and information on our Facebook and Instagram
Fundamental Values
Democracy, Rule of Law, Mutual Respect, individual liberty
At Woodlands we love to look at and learning about different celebrations. Over the years we have enjoyed celebrations such as, but not limited to:
Luna/Chinese new year
Mother/Fathers Day
Earth Day
Pancake Day
St George's/Patricks/Andrews/David
The children often bring in birthday treats/cake so that they can celebrate their birthday with their friends whilst in the setting. We all sing happy birthday and your child enjoys blowing out the candles and sharing this moment with their peers.
(We also video this moment for you to view at home)
At Woodlands We try our best to teach the children about developing countries and children that are less fortunate then ourselves.
Teaching the children about mutual respect, the feelings of others, freedom to have their own views and opinions, but to also respect the opinions of others and individuality is very important at Woodlands. We celebrate our similarities and differences.