01494729054 or 07710598468
Woodlands Pre-School Nursery

Children can start Woodlands from 2 years old
join our waiting list for free
Opening hours
Monday to Thursday 8-6
Friday 8-5
3/4 years Daily rate
Full day £75
School Day £50
2 year daily rate
fully day £82.50
School Day £55
flexi hours £10 per hour
Woodlands closes for 2 weeks at Christmas; no charge is made for this period. Fees are calculated over 50 weeks a year to achieve a monthly amount. Woodlands offers all funded entitlements and accepts payments by tax free childcare HMRC
Fees include breakfast, snacks and hot lunches, High tea and all extra curricular activities.
Fees are reviewed annually each September
We are also closed all bank holidays and have one inset day which falls on the Friday of the August bank holiday Monday.