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Easter Egg Hunt 

Each Year Woodlands holds a family Easter Egg Hunt, parents are invited to come in and join their Child in an Educational Egg Hunt.  We use the school sight to find eggs that encourage the children to move physically, also involving Mathematics. The last egg leads the children to the mini field where there will be Easter egg hidden for the children to find.

Mother's Day Brunch 

Woodlands holds a Mother's Day Brunch every year, the children enjoy giving their Mummies the gifts they have made and then they sing a few songs.  After they enjoy a delicious brunch together.

Stay And Play 

At Woodlands we encourage Parents to come and spend time with their child in the setting.  It is not only beneficial for our child but also you as parents.  You get to see first hand the activates your child enjoys at nursery.

We also are always looking to broaden the children experiences inviting parents in to show children any skill they may have e.g. Playing a musical instrument, Dancing,  specking a language the children may nor have heard etc.

Father's Day Brunch 

Woodlands holds a Father day Brunch every year, the children enjoyed giving their Daddies the gifts they have made and then sing a few songs.  They then enjoy a delicious brunch together.

Parents Story and stay and play  Afternoons 


Once a month we invite parents to come in and read to the children

Christmas Brunch 

Christmas family brunch 
Parents are invited to come and enjoy a Christmas style Bruch with the children, we also sing Christmas song.

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